NORFOLK — Select Board Chairman Kevin Kalkut has launched another campaign for state representative. Kalkut, a Democrat, announced this past week that he is running again for the the 9th Norfolk District seat now held by Marcus Vaughn, a Republican from Wrentham. The district includes the three King Philip towns of Wrentham, Plainville and Norfolk, and the election is next year.
Kalkut ran against Vaughn in last November’s state election, and Kalkut said it was the closest election in district history according to Secretary of State records dating back to 1970.
The results of the election were Vaughn, 10,534, Kalkut 10,174.
The election breakdown was:
Norfolk, Vaughn 2,385, Kalkut 2,898;
Plainville, Vaughn 2,211, Kalkut 1,849;
Wrentham, Vaughn 3,548, Kalkut 2,340;
Medfield, Vaughn 1,292, Kalkut 1,744;
Millis, Vaughn 532, Kalkut 758;
Walpole, Vaughn 566, Kalkut 585.
There hasn’t been a Democrat who has won four towns or pushed the margin that close since Francis Woodward in 1990, Kalkut said. “I’m looking forward to the opportunity to highlight to voters in the district why I am the best candidate for the job,” Kalkut said. Describing himself as a longtime community leader and advocate, Kalkut is in his third three-year term on the select board and earlier served on the planning board in Norfolk.
Throughout his service, Kalkut says he has emphasized the importance of transparency, outreach and engagement, uniting individuals and groups with different perspectives to achieve common goals, and finding creative solutions to complex issues. “We need that local mentality paired with the drive to deliver tangible results with full-time representation for this district on Beacon Hill,” Kalkut said. “I have spent nearly a decade building that experience locally, fostering those partnerships across the district, and expanding that network within our state legislature to best position the 9th Norfolk for long-overdue success.”
Vaughn didn’t want to commit to his plans for another term or comment on Kalkut’s announcement. “It’s premature to be talking about next year’s election. At this point in time, I am squarely focused on doing the job the voters have entrusted me with and doing everything I can to deliver for my district,” Vaughn said. “I’m proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish in the short time I’ve been in office.”