Meet Kevin
Putting My Experience To Work
For the past 6 years, I have served on the Norfolk Select Board, the executive board for the Town of Norfolk that oversees the management and operations of all Town departments—from the Police and Fire departments to the Recreation department, and everything in between. I currently serve on the Norfolk County Advisory Board as well as the Mass Transit Advisory Committee, and previously served on the Town of Norfolk Master Plan Steering Committee, the Norfolk Planning Board and the Norfolk’s Downtown Planning and Zoning Committee working with a variety of residents, town leaders, and planning consultants to develop a plan for economic development and recruitment of small businesses.
As our former State Representative said, “being a State Representative is a full-time job.” It requires passion, dedication, and a time-commitment over and above a typical 40 hour work week to truly make a difference in the lives of the people that are so fortunate to call the 9th Norfolk District home. I am deeply committed to solving the problems that face so many residents, families, and town leaders across our district while breaking through the partisan divide that has historically held us back from the progress that is so urgently needed.


My Platform & Priorities

Our local schools are facing budget constraints that require immediate attention to ensure that our schools can continue to offer our children the quality education that attracted families to this district in the first place. Critical local funding commitments are not being met by the State. The mental health crisis continues to grow. Affordable housing for the 'missing middle' is an ongoing struggle for hardworking people across the Commonwealth. Last—but certainly not least—while we recently just celebrated a big win for reproductive rights in Massachusetts by securing access to abortion, prenatal and postnatal care are an exorbitant expense for parents oftentimes leaving them in debt upon the arrival of their newborn.
These are everyday issues that impact all of us—directly or indirectly—and they need to be addressed on Beacon Hill.
District Funding
Residents and commercial property owners in our towns bear the brunt of the additional costs in their respective towns and it is driving up property taxes as a result.
Reproductive rights means more than protecting access to abortion. We must support families through the entire parenting journey.
The overwhelming costs associated with childcare are forcing more parents out of the workforce, which leads to a downstream impact on our economy.
Massachusetts provides health insurance coverage to 97% of state residents but despite near universal coverage, we have yet to overcome critical barriers to accessing care.
In today’s economy, corporations are experiencing record profits, CEOs are receiving record bonuses, while many of their employees are struggling financially and can barely make ends meet.

About Me
A Bit More
Hey! I'm Kevin.
I've dedicated 7+ years to public service as a volunteer on many local Boards, Committees, and non-profit organizations in my hometown of Norfolk, while working full-time and juggling the needs and crazy schedules of 3 young boys (Colin, 12; Ryan, 9; and Owen, 6) at home with my amazing wife, Erica. The Kalkut family has continued to expand over the years and now includes 3 rescue dogs (Artie, Zoey, and Sadie) and two guinea pigs (Rex and Taco)! There's never a dull moment in our household!

For the past 6 years, I have served on the Norfolk Select Board, the executive board for the Town of Norfolk that oversees the management and operations of all Town departments—from the Police and Fire departments to the Recreation department, and everything in between. I currently serve on the Norfolk County Advisory Board as well as the Mass Transit Advisory Committee, and previously served on the Town of Norfolk Master Plan Steering Committee, the Norfolk Planning Board and the Norfolk’s Downtown Planning and Zoning Committee working with a variety of residents, town leaders, and planning consultants to develop a plan for economic development and recruitment of small businesses.
With this experience across all areas of municipal government, I understand the inner workings—Police, Fire, Public Schools, Planning & Zoning, to name a few—and am uniquely qualified to step into the next phase of my public service career as your next State Representative for the 9th Norfolk District.